October 26, 2022P2
October 26, 2022Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph with no more 100 words. Kristie Keel 2 posts Re:Topic 3 DQ 1
The four principles of principalism are: 1) respect for autonomy or respect for the decision making capacity of the person involved, 2)nonmaleficence or people will not cause harm to others, 3) beneficence or people will prevent harm, provide benefits and balance risk and cost and 4) justice or fair distribution of benefits, risks and costs. I would rank respect for autonomy of the highest importance and second choice would be the beneficence principle because it pretty much includes it all, even the last two principles. Third would be justice principle and last nonmaleficience. The four parts of the Christian Biblical Narrative are: 1) creation, 2) fall, 3) redemption, and 4) restoration. I believe the highest ranked principle according to this narrative would be the beneficence principle, then autonomy, then nonmaleficence, and last justice.
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