Movie character health assessment
October 27, 2022Nursing
October 27, 2022The Purpose of this assignment is to formulate a clinical question that will be the basis for the quality improvement proposal you will be beginning this semester. Part 2 of this proposal will be developed in NURS 495.Consider the type of patient care issue that you would like to learn more about. You can also refer to the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators for a list of possible topics to research. Please use patient Falls for this assignment. Describe the background of the question, present the question using the PICOT format, and discuss your rationale for selecting this question. The paper should be no more than 3 pages (not including title page and references). Please keep in mind, when you are completing the second part of your Quality Improvement Project in NURS 495, you will need to develop a business plan to implement the findings you have found in the literature. Be sure to select a patient care topic that you will allow you to develop a plan for implementation. Your Paper will be based on the following criteria:Assignment #1: PICOT Question and JustificationDue Date Jan 29, 2017 11:59 PM Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: Assignment #1: PICOT Question and Justification CriteriaLevel 3Level 2Level 1Clinical Question30 points
(21-30 points)The question is explicit, and clearly and succinctly stated20 points
(10-20 points)The question is somewhat clearly and succinctly stated. 9 points
(0-9 points)The question is evident in the papers main points, but not well stated.PICOT Format30 points
(21-30 points)Paper contains all five components accurately. 20 points
(10-20 points)Paper contains at least three components accurately. 9 points
(0-9 points)Paper contains at least one of the components accuratelyRationale for Question30 points
(21-30 points)Rationale for selection of question is explicit, clear, and logical. 20 points
(10-20 points)Rationale for selection of question is somewhat explicit, clear, and logical9 points
(0-9 points)Rationale for selection of question is not explicit, clear, and/or logicalSpelling, sentance structure, Organization, Grammar10 points
(7-10 points)Excellent spelling, sentence structure and grammar throughout the paper. Excellent organization and easy to read.6 points
(3-6 points)Some spelling, sentence structure and grammar errors. Paper generally is readable. Some organization problems2 points
(0-2 points)Many spelling, sentence structure, and grammar mistakes throughout the paper. Difficult to read with very little organization.Overall ScoreLevel 3
67 or moreLevel 2
30 or moreLevel 1
0 or more Assignment #2: Summary Table – Levels of Evidence(Due Week 5 – 2/12/2017; 20% of final grade) After you have defined your PICOT question and identified your patient care issue, you can begin and the first part of your quality improvement (QI) project. In order to do this you will need to do a literature search to find evidence for your topic. Once you have found the evidence in the literature, construct a table of evidence from studies relevant to your topic that you have found from your literature search. In general, you should limit your literature search to articles and major reviews which have been published during the last five years. There should be a minimum of six articles reviewed and you can include systematic reviews. The columns in the table should include the following: Title, journal in which the study was published, year it was publishedType of study (refer to the table on page 62 of this article)The research question or hypothesisThe study methodologyThe level of the evidence (refer to )Description of the subjects and sample sizeMajor findings from the studyAdditional resources can be found at the following website. (Health Sciences Library, 2012 Evidence-Based Practice Tools) Please refer to the following reading in week 1 Presentation, AACN 2012 Levels of Evidence:Peterson, M. H., Barnason, S., Donnelly, B., Hill, K., Miley, H., Riggs, L., & Whiteman, K. (2014). Choosing the Best Evidence to Guide Clinical Practice: Application of AACN Levels of Evidence. Critical Care Nurse, 34(2), 58-68Here is an example of how to construct a table of evidence:Authors Names, Source, and YearType of StudyResearch Question/HypothesisMethodology/Study DesignLevel of EvidenceDescription of Subjects and Sample SizeMajor FindingsJones and Smith, Nursing Research 2012Descriptive study about nurses in critical care units who smoke. Do nurses in critical care smoke more than nurses in medical surgical unit?Mailed survey of hospital employees at a large university setting 150 nursesin critical care,150 nurses in med/surg,80% female between ages of 25-45There was no significant difference in smoking based on the unit worked. Your assignment will be graded with the following rubric. Due Date Feb 12, 2017 11:59 PM Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: Assignment #2: Summary Table – Levels of Evidence CriteriaLevel 3Level 2Level 1Research Data20 points
(13-20 points)Title, type of study, research question, and methods are provided for all articles.12 points
(6-12 points)Title, type of study, research question, and methods are provided for some articles5 points
(0-5 points)Title, type of study, research question, and methods are not provided for most articlesStudy Description20 points
(13-20 points)The description of the study discusses sample size and participants explicitly, clearly, and succinctly.12 points
(6-12 points)The description of the study discusses sample size and/or participants somewhat clearly.5 points
(0-5 points)The description of the study does not discuss sample size or participants. References20 points
(13-20 points)Paper contains more than five reference citations12 points
(6-12 points)Paper contains at least three reference citations. 5 points
(0-5 points)Paper contains a reference citation. Organization and Writing10 points
(7-10 points)The paper is well organized, easy to read, and free of grammatical and syntax errors. 6 points
(3-6 points)The paper is organized, easy to read, and has minor grammatical and syntax errors and contains no more than a few typographical errors. 2 points
(0-2 points)The paper is organized, somewhat easy to read, and contains no more than one or two grammatical and syntax errors. Study Findings30 points
(21-30 points)Paper has an outstanding discussion of each studys major findings as in the table presented in (AACNs Levels of Evidence). 20 points
(10-20 points)Paper has a good discussion of each studys major findings as in the table presented in (AACNs Levels of Evidence).9 points
(0-9 points)Paper lacks discussion of each studys major findings as in the table presented in (AACNs Levels of Evidence). Overall ScoreLevel 3
63 or moreLevel 2
27 or moreLevel 1 Assignment #3: Quality Improvement Proposal Paper Part 1(Due Week 7 – 2/26/2017; 25% of final grade) This is the first of a two-part assignment. The second part of this assignment will be developed in NURS 495.For Part 1, based on the PICOT question you developed and the evidence you obtained in the literature, you will present a literature review based on the findings that address possible interventions for your identified clinical question. For Part 2, (which will be completed in NURS 495), you will continue to develop your Quality Improvement (QI) Plan. In the second part of the paper, you will utilize the research that you conducted in this class to develop an implementation and evaluation plan for your identified patient care need. This will include identifying a timeline, stakeholders, responsibilities for implementation and feedback, identifying needed resources, outlining budgetary needs and developing an evaluation plan. Further information will be given in NURS 495 on developing your plan, however it would be helpful to keep the requirements for the second part of the paper in mind when choosing your topic to research.In NURS 495, you will also be conducting an interview of a nurse manager. After you have completed your QI plan, you will be presenting you plan to the nurse manager you interviewed for feedback. Please be sure to keep a copy of your paper with your instructors comments after the end of the semester. You will be continuing this project in NURS 495.Part 1 should be between 7-10 pages (not including cover page and references). It will be graded with the following rubric:Due Date Feb 26, 2017 11:59 PM Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: Assignment #3: Quality Improvement Intervention/Proposal Paper Part 1 CriteriaLevel 3Level 2Level 1Statement of the Problem30 points
(21-30 points)The paper includes a clear and accurate statement of the problem to be addressed. The primary focus of the intervention is clearly identified. A convincing case for an intervention related to the problem is presented.20 points
(10-20 points)The paper includes a somewhat accurate statement of the problem to be addressed. The primary focus of the intervention is not clearly identified. A case for an intervention related to the problem is not thoroughly discussed.9 points
(0-9 points)The paper lacks a clear statement of the problem to be addressed. The primary focus of the intervention is missing. A convincing case for an intervention related to the problem is not includedLiterature Review30 points
(21-30 points)Research literature is adequately discussed using recent references from seven or more scientific journal articles.20 points
(10-20 points)Research literature is discussed using recent references from five or more scientific journal articles.9 points
(0-9 points)Research literature is not discussed, and fewer than five scientific journal articles are citedSummary Findings30 points
(21-30 points)Summary findings related to both the problem statement and proposed intervention are well presented.20 points
(10-20 points)Summary findings related to either the problem statement or proposed intervention are not well presented.9 points
(0-9 points)Summary findings related to the problem statement or proposed intervention are missing or not well presented.Format and Submission10 points
(7-10 points)Assignment was submitted on time, is proper length, is well formatted, and appropriately uses APA style.6 points
(3-6 points)Assignment was submitted on time, is proper length, and has only a few errors involving APA style.2 points
(0-2 points)Assignment was submitted late, is not the proper length, and may have errors involving APA styleOverall ScoreLevel 3
87 or moreLevel 2
39 or moreLevel 1
0 or more Assignment #4: Quality Improvement Poster Presentation (Due Week 8 – 3/5/2017; 10% of final grade) The purpose of this assignment is for you to present a summary of your proposal and share with the class your knowledge and expertise on this specific aspect of evidence-based practice. After completing the quality improvement proposal paper, you should summarize your paper into a presentation. Presentation formats include PowerPoint or handouts with/without audio/video aids. PowerPoint presentations should be a maximum of 12 slides (please refer to unit 6 of the APA tutorial in the Toolkit section of the classroom for guidance on how to do a presentation). This presentation will be posted for everyone to view and respond. Due Date Mar 5, 2017 11:59 PM Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: Assignment #4: QI Poster Presentation CriteriaLevel 3Level 2Level 1EBP Problem Statement20 points
(13-20 points)The presentation includes a clear statement of the problem. 12 points
(6-12 points)The presentation includes a statement of the problem. 5 points
(0-5 points)The presentation includes a weak statement of the problem. EBP Summary50 points
(33-50 points)Summary findings related to both the problem statement and proposed intervention are well presented.32 points
(16-32 points)Major summary findings related to the problem statement or the proposed intervention are presented.15 points
(0-15 points)Some of the summary findings related to the problem statement or the proposed intervention are presented.Organization30 points
(21-30 points)Presentation is well organized, uses headings and bulleted lists when needed. Presentation has well thought out graphics, fonts, and background color. No misspellings or grammatical errors.20 points
(10-20 points)Presentation is mostly well Organized; Presentation is generally easy to read with appropriate fonts. Has few misspellings or grammatical errors.9 points
(0-9 points)Presentation not well organized; some information appears out of sequence. Fonts are difficult to read; background color does not add to readability. Many misspellings and grammatical errors. Overall ScoreLevel 3
65 or moreLevel 2
30 or moreLevel 1
0 or more